Promenade Samuel-De Champlain
Gardens and Nature Walk
QC, G1K 4J9
Stretching 6.8 km from Pierre-Laporte bridge to Côte Gilmour, the Samuel-De Champlain Promenade is a large park on the bank of the St. Lawrence River.
A gift from the provincial government to Québec City for its 400th anniversary, the newly landscaped park affords those travelling on foot, by bicycle or by car a new viewpoint from which to admire the shoreline. Free admission. Contemporary art gallery, lookout tower and themed gardens.
Promenade Samuel-De Champlain offers different experiences in different zones:
Station de la Plage
A breathtaking new section to enjoy the beautiful summer days. There is a fine sandy beach with chairs and umbrellas, an infinity pool, giving the impression of bathing in the river, a mirror pool with water fountains, outdoor showers, patios and restaurant service.
Station de la Voile
The site has beach volleyball courts, petanque court, access to the river for canoes and kayaks, picnic area and barbecue with charcoal as well as granite blocks with climbing holds for children.
Station des Cageux
Built around a reclaimed industrial wharf, this zone features a wetland that reproduces an indigenous shoreline ecosystem, a 25-meter observation tower, and access to the waterside. It is named after the brave fellows who played a major role in Québec folklore, the raftsmen.
Boisé de Tequenonday
This unique old woodland crisscrossed with walking paths contains native archaeological remains that are over 5,000 years old. A small lookout affords a spectacular view of the river and south shore. The woods contain numerous hundred-year-old trees including pines close to 30 meters tall.
Station des sports
This section, dedicated to sporting activities, contains two soccer fields and a multi-use grass-covered play area to get athletes of all ages moving.
Station des Quais
This zone is the cultural focal point of the Promenade. It includes four themed gardens that reflect the moods of the river.
- Quai-des-Brumes calls to mind the riverside atmosphere with granite blocks and fog machines that evoke the rocky shore and river mists.
- Quai-des-Flots with its fountains evoke water in all its forms and movements by the lapping river.
- Quai-des-Hommes is inspired by the human activity that spurred the area's development in the days of the timber trade. It recalls the link between human beings and the river.
- Quai-des-Vents depicts the unceasing wind along the shoreline. The long stems emerging from the garden call to mind the flight of birds.
How to Go Car-Free:
The RTC Route 400 runs between the Old Port and Promenade Samuel-De Champlain on weekends in summer.
All Days: 6am - 11pm
Access for Mobility Impaired People:
Free Outdoor on Site
TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
(Based on 499 reviews)
Québec, QC,
G1K 4J9