Eliviascape - Jeux d'évasion - Escape Games Québec

Escape Games

969, route de l'Église
QC, G1V 3V4

Eliviascape - Jeux d'évasion Québec - Escape Games Québec is a cutting-edge escape room centre whose immersive games pose an enjoyable challenge. Eliviascape has received multiple award nominations for its games, considered among the best in the world according to TERPECA. The gaming experience in each room is technology based, and no padlocks are involved. The fascinating and gorgeously rendered décor is created by professional set designers.

Monday: 11am - 10pm
Tuesday: 11am - 10pm
Wednesday: 11am - 10pm
Thursday: 11am - 10pm
Friday: 11am - 11pm
Saturday: 10am - 11pm
Sunday: 10am - 10pm

Free Outdoor on Site

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
TripAdvisor 4.8 (Based on 28 reviews)

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Trip Advisor

969, route de l'Église
Québec, QC,
G1V 3V4
Eliviascape - Jeux d'évasion - Escape Games Québec

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