

  • Translators and Interpreters

    Simultaneous translation services for conventions, conferences and special events. Access to the most complete inventory of equipment in North…

  • Audiovisual and Multimedia

    Technical services for conventions, conferences, exhibitions and special events. We rent audiovisual, video, sound, lighting and webcasting…

2025, rue Lavoisier
Bureau 100
Québec, QC,
G1N 4L6

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  • Translators and Interpreters

    Simultaneous translation services for conventions, conferences and special events. Access to the most complete inventory of equipment in North America. Audiovisual and video equipment rentals. Expert, polite staff to help you plan and run the equipment. Emergency service 24 hours a day.

  • Audiovisual and Multimedia

    Technical services for conventions, conferences, exhibitions and special events. We rent audiovisual, video, sound, lighting and webcasting. Multimedia presentations, computer data projections, electronic survey systems, teleprompters, stage and set design and simultaneous translation services. Planning and equipment operation carried out by expert staff. Delivery and emergency service 24 hours a day.