Villa Bagatelle
- Villa Bagatelle
Interpretation Centres
Villa Bagatelle, with its cross-shaped layout, asymmetrical garden and superb wooden ornamentation, was built in the picturesque English…
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Historical Sites
Villa Bagatelle, with its cross-shaped layout, asymmetrical garden and superb wooden ornamentation, was built in the picturesque English…
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1563, avenue James-Lemoine
Québec, QC,
G1S 1G1
Québec, QC,
G1S 1G1
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- Villa Bagatelle
Interpretation CentresVilla Bagatelle, with its cross-shaped layout, asymmetrical garden and superb wooden ornamentation, was built in the picturesque English architectural style of the 19th century. Admire the magnificent gardens.
- Villa Bagatelle
Historical SitesVilla Bagatelle, with its cross-shaped layout, asymmetrical garden and superb wooden ornamentation, was built in the picturesque English architectural style of the 19th century. Admire the magnificent gardens.