Hotel Deals in Québec City

Looking for a cheap hotel in Québec City? Here are special offers, discounts, packages and deals offered by hotels located in Old Québec City as well as in the greater Québec City region.

To get the best hotel deals, it is recommended to book directly with the hotel, stay several nights at the same place and choose less busy dates.

32 results

    More Tips

    • Autobus du RTC

      Free Public Transport for Visitors

      Stay 2 nights or more in a participating hotel and you will obtain an unlimited 3-day pass for the entire RTC bus network.

    • Old wings of the Monastère des Augustine and view of the exterior courtyard.

      The Best Eco-Friendly Hotels in Québec City

      If you want to make your stay in Québec City greener, check out our selection of the best eco-friendly hotels in the area.

    • Swimming and paddle boards in the lake of the Station touristique Duchesnay.

      Québec City Resorts

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    • Hôtel Universel's indoor pool

      16 Hotels With Pools That Are Truly Special

      See our selection of hotels that have an extraordinary indoor or outdoor swimming pool.

    • Children around a fireplace in a Log Cabin (Au Chalet en Bois Rond)

      The Best Family Hotels in Québec City

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    • Bora-Boréal - In Autumn

      12 Unique Stays in the Québec City Area

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