Café Krieghoff
QC, G1R 2S6
Located along one of the nicest streets in Québec City. A two-minutes walk from the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Grande Allée and the Plains of Abraham, and a 10-minutes walk from Old Québec. Here you can find a tempting array of progressive French cuisine choices or menus.
All Days: 8am - 10pm
Average Price per Person: Under $25
Business Type: Patio
Capacity: 80
Meals Type: Breakfast, Plated brunch, Lunch
Type of Cuisine by Countries: French, International
Type of Cuisine by Specialities: Coffee and Tea, Steak and Ribs
1089, avenue Cartier
Québec, QC,
G1R 2S6
Québec, QC,
G1R 2S6