Maison Dorion-Coulombe
Interpretation Centres
QC, G1L 5B1
Maison Dorion-Coulombe is the entry point to the park along the Saint-Charles River. Here you can obtain information about this historical dwelling and natural riverside ecosystems. Every day, people visit this pretty ancestral home, the site of many activities and exhibitions. The building is located on the bank of a river flowing right past the downtown core. You may enjoy a hot beverage while visiting the exhibitions.
All Days: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Good to Know:
Closed December 25 and 26, and January 1 and 2.
Free Outdoor on Site
332, rue Domagaya
Québec, QC,
G1L 5B1
Québec, QC,
G1L 5B1