9 Monuments and Statues in Old Québec

Visitors to Old Québec and the surrounding area will soon discover that nearly every street corner has a monument, statue, or plaque that pays tribute to the people who forged our region's history.
- Terrasse Dufferin, Ville de Québec
1Champlain Monument
The Champlain Monument on Dufferin Terrace pays tribute to the man who founded the city in 1608.
It is one of the city's most spectacular landmarks, both because of its imposing size and its central location at a lively gathering place where locals and tourists come to watch street entertainers perform.
Visitors to the monument can enjoy splendid views of the St. Lawrence River, the Lower Town, Île d'Orléans, the south shore and the Laurentian mountain range!
- UNESCO Monument, Québec City Tourism
2UNESCO Monument
The UNESCO Monument, made of bronze, granite, and glass, commemorates Old Québec's designation as a “world heritage treasure” in 1985.
It stands alongside the Champlain Monument near place d'Armes and the Château Frontenac hotel—you can't miss it!
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Wolfe-Montcalm Monument
The Wolfe-Montcalm Monument is an obelisk more than 20 m in height. It was unveiled in 1828 in memory of the generals on both sides who died during the famous Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
The monument stands behind the Château Frontenac hotel in Parc des Gouverneurs, a great place to unwind. The park is surrounded by beautiful homes, almost all of which have been transformed into attractive inns. From there, visitors can also admire the St. Lawrence River in all its glory.
- Bronze Medallion, Ville de Québec
4Bronze Medallion
Located in the square outside city hall, this medallion commemorates the 30th anniversary of Old Québec being added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The medallion bears the likeness of a part of the historical district, the riverbank and wharves, and the heritage buildings that best reflect different periods of the city's history.
- Horloge du Jura, Ville de Québec
5Clock from Jura
This genuine masterpiece of the clockmaker’s art stands 3.5 metres tall and weighs in at close to 2 tons. It is a 400th anniversary gift from the Swiss canton of Jura to Québec City, where it has been installed at the City Hall Gardens. The design and manufacture of this marvel, by Swiss clockmaker Richard Mille, took 10,523 hours, while its 5,451 parts form a mechanism more precise than that of quartz timepieces.
- Québec City Conferences Monument, Ville de Québec
6Churchill and Roosevelt Monument
A stone's throw from Saint-Louis Gate, the monument commemorating the visit of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D. Roosevelt marks a turning point in history.
In 1943 and 1944, the two world leaders discussed Second World War developments at two conferences in the city.
The monument's location couldn't be more fitting: right alongside the Esplanade Powder Magazine and the road leading to the Citadel.
- ©Collection Assemblée nationale. Claude Mathieu
7Parliament Building Monuments
A profusion of monuments adorn the grounds of Québec's Parliament Building.
After admiring statues of René Lévesque, Jean Lesage, and Maurice Duplessis, visitors can stroll along Promenade des Premiers-Ministres to learn more about the political careers of the province's premiers since the Confederation in 1867.
History buffs will want to put their knowledge to the test by trying to put names to the faces of the statues adorning the parliament's remarkable facade.
- Monument Charles-De Gaulle, Ville de Québec
8Charles de Gaulle Statue
A statue of Charles de Gaulle, the French President who helped develop relations between his country and Québec in the 1960s, stands outside on the corner of Grande Allée Est and Cours du Général-De Montcalm.
Just a few feet away is a statue of Montcalm, the French general who was mortally wounded in the battle of 1759.
- Office du tourisme de Québec
9Historical Plaques
The region has hundreds of commemorative plaques, mainly in Old Québec.
Simply walking the streets of Québec City gives visitors a real feel for its history. Take the time to read the fragments of history engraved on these plaques and picture the famous individuals they commemorate going about their daily business.
Québec City is such a walkable city! So get your sneakers on—there's so much to discover!