Finding Refuge

Finding Refuge takes a sensitive and compassionate look at the reality of the Rohingyas. This immersive sound installation is an invitation to discover the life of a refugee through his own words and memories.

Mohammed Shofi had to flee Burma with his family when he wasn’t even a year old. His story is told with touching sensitivity, taking you from his childhood in the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh to his arrival in Quebec at the age of 18. An authentic soundscape documents Shofi’s voice, the sounds of the camp and of the everyday life he now leads. Filmmakers Mélanie Carrier and Olivier Higgins immerse you in a story that is both hopeful and heartbreaking, echoing that of millions of others who have been forced to flee and take refuge elsewhere.

Inspired by Shofi’s memories, Karine Giboulo’s artworks reflect the buzzing activity in the camps and his process of putting down roots in a new land.

Information about the event:
Phone: 418-643-2158
Toll-Free Phone:1-866-710-8031
Go to Website

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