Wrestling. Quebec in the Ring

See wrestling in a new light with this exhibition co-designed and co-produced by the Museum and the creative company Ex Machina opens in a new tab along with its artistic director, Robert Lepage.

Sport? Performance? Circus act? Entertainment? All of the above?

Whether you’re a fan of wrestling or not, it’s undeniably a complex and fascinating world whose heroes, from Yvon Robert to Baillargeon brothers, have left their mark on the imagination.

From agricultural fairs, community halls, and arenas all the way to Madison Square Garden, wrestling brings together fans from all walks of life. The activity itself, and what it evokes, has universal meaning. It embodies a deeply human instinct that has been expressed over thousands of years.

In this exhibition, unique scenography, including impressive audiovisual, digital, and interactive displays, will allow visitors to immerse themselves in this one-of-a-kind world.

Information about the event:
Phone: 418-643-2158
Toll-Free Phone:1-866-710-8031
Go to Website

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