Petit Champlain and Place-Royale to the Rhythm of the Winter Carnival
Carnival decorations, street circus, ice sculptures, outdoor bar, appearances by Bonhomme, and even a nod to pee-wee hockey; a variety of heartwarming free activities will take place in the historic district alongside the Québec Winter Carnival.
Syrup! by Flip Fabrique: Inspired by maple syrup harvest, jugglers, acrobats, violinists, and performers of all kinds will entertain the whole family in the neighbourhood (Saturdays and Sundays).
Suspended Hockey Sticks: In honor of the 65th anniversary of the Québec International Pee-Wee Hockey Tournament, 198 hand-painted, carved, and decorated hockey sticks will be suspended above Rue du Cul-de-Sac. Just look up to see this impressive installation… with the Château Frontenac in the background!
Exhibition 0 Degrees (0°) by Exmuro: About twenty backlit ice blocks enclosing photographs by local artists will be scattered around Petit Champlain and Place-Royale.
Free shuttle to access the site:
A shuttle will provide hassle-free transportation to Petit-Champlain from Parc de la Francophonie (corner of Artigny and Jacques-Parizeau) and Espace Quatre Cents.
February 7 to 16, 2025 Everyday - All Day