Restaurant Au poste de traite


2287, chemin Royal
QC, G0A 3P0

You are sure to fall in love with the warm atmosphere of this quiet little retreat in the great outdoors. The authentic cooking will titillate your taste buds. A table d'hôte is proposed for lunch and supper. The innkeeper's “Poutine” is unmatched, not to mention our General Tao. The dining room with its unique decoration in Québec is worth seeing, and the patio overlooking the St. Lawrence River is exceptional. Come enjoy a good ice cream by the soft breeze from the river!

Temporarily closed

Average Price per Person: Between $50 and $75
Business Type: Patio
Capacity: 32

TripAdvisor Traveler Rating
TripAdvisor 4.5 (Based on 178 reviews)

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Trip Advisor

2287, chemin Royal
Sainte-Famille-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, QC,
G0A 3P0
Restaurant Au poste de traite

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