MG3 et California Guitar Trio

In a Landscape

The Montreal Guitar Trio (MG3) and the California Guitar Trio (CGT) join forces to deliver a doubly electrifying concert! In this summit of musical mastery, the six virtuoso guitarists will captivate audiences with a thrilling performance that weaves together progressive rock, world, jazz, classical music, and film soundtracks in brilliantly crafted arrangements.

The program includes pieces from legendary rock bands like Queen, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd, iconic themes from Sergio Leone’s famous spaghetti westerns, as well as original compositions by members of MG3 and CGT. This is a rare opportunity to experience such an intense and unforgettable event—don’t miss it!

Information about the event:
Phone: 418-643-8131
Toll-Free Phone:1-877-643-8131
Go to Website

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